


Resource TypePosted On
active directory help is neededFeb 04
active directory : Referenced object has a value of 'Nothing'Apr 22
connection to Active directory from JavaJun 16
active directory & change password problemDec 10
Excel User Form and Active Excel Work Sheets QuestionOct 29
Excel User Form and Active Excel Work Sheets QuestionOct 01
how to define the root directory for any userNov 25
How to prompt the user for a directoryNov 25
Active window question Jan 02
JRUN Error: Ejb directory .\servers\default not foundJun 16
Capturing keyboard events in active windowSep 21
Accessing Windows Directories Feb 19
Linux user's 5 best practices? Dec 18
One user's experience with the wubi Ubuntu installer Dec 27
Obtaining the date modified property of a file from within Excel VBAOct 31
modify cell (delete) contents using macroMar 19
Excel 2000: Modifying the date with DTPicker does not fire AfterUpdNov 13
modify a macro to find the selected rangeNov 03
Obtaining the date modified property of a file from within Excel VBAOct 05
modify scriptMay 22
Identifying which row has been modified?Mar 23
It is posible to modify tomcat security realmsDec 01
Windows domain based User AuthenticationAug 20
User Form Question (Scrolling Window)Jan 28
Use VBA to get Windows User GroupsOct 12
M$ device enables police to spy on Windows users Dec 27
3 ways for Windows users to try out Linux Dec 24
Ubuntu guide for Windows users Dec 18
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 to let users install from Windows Dec 28
Over Active Mouse Feb 05
active cell no longer advances to cell belowDec 06
Making a Workbook as an Active Workbook without opening itJan 06
other sheet's active cellNov 23
Excel Gantt Chart active cell colourNov 03
set active cellNov 03
Script to start Ms Word and merge mail data from active spreadsheetAug 11
input at active cell like inputboxAug 28
Copy data from active cellAug 28
check active internet connection from ExcelDec 10
Process files in a directoryOct 12
Runtime.exec() with env and working directory parameters is not worMay 07
How do get full path of a particular directory in javaJan 06
change directory - chdirJul 01
Selecting the root directory in JFileChooser?Dec 21
Sort a directory on creationdateJun 16
Creating a host/virtual directory in a host in IIS in VB.NET win foFeb 18
Directory PermissionNov 15
javax.naming.directory.NoSuchAttributeExceptionJul 26
file_get_contents(blockip.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory...Aug 22
Protecting Files and Directories with TomcatJun 16